
Showing posts from September, 2018

September 2018

Welcome to Grade One! The first month of grade one has come and gone.  It was been great getting to know all of our new students and families.  We are so excited for the year ahead.  Here is what we have been up to so far! Our First Field Study - The Fragrant Garden We visited a local, community garden to work on "sketching like a scientist" and finding a "quiet place".  Both of these skills were worked on the first week in our classrooms and will be revisited throughout the entire year.  Students are encouraged to look closely and sketch what they see, taking their time to add details and look for unique traits in objects.  We started this in the classroom by describing various objects in  a large group.  Pinecones, leaves and sticks were placed in the middle of our circle and we took turns describing their differences and trying to guess which one was being talked about without saying what it was. We then spent time in our naturalization area sketching and l